Amie Pettitt Thriller
Dates of Filming:

Police Interview - Saturday 20th February
Warehouse Scene - Saturday 20th February

Actors Needed:

Suspect (Neil Mason)
Detective Stirling (Stephen Pettitt)
Victim (Denise Pettitt)
Producer & Directors Assitant (Adam Mason)

Equipment Needed:

DSLR - Still photographs
Toshiba Video Camera
Samsung Video Camera

Location Requirements:

Warehouse - Indoors
Police Interview - Indoor

Interview Room

These shots were filmed on Saturday 20th of february, 2010. Two main actors were included in the shots (Neil Mason) and (Stephen Pettitt). All of these shots were taken on a Toshiba video camera in widescreen and high definition.


The filming for the warehouse took place on the same day, Saturday 20th February, 2010. Denise pettitt played her role as the victim and Neil Mason played the supporting role of the killer. These shots were also filmed on the Toshiba video camera in widescreen and high definition. The only problem that might have occurred was that the warehouse unavailable, but lucky enough the warehouse was available on Saturday 20th February.

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