For my Foundation Portfolio, I have decided to work on my own. Even though I have an effective relationship with all the members in the class, I wanted to work on my own as i could be more creative and not be restricted if working with other members. As my piece is based along Crime/ Action, I thought that a teenager portraying the role of a detective might not look as professional, as a male adult portraying the role.
Stephen Pettitt

I decided to cast 42 year old Stephen Pettitt to portray the role of Detective Mills, the reason I chose Mr Pettitt for one of the lead roles is because he is a very commanding person and can rise to the occasion of appearing angry when asked to, which works well with the role given. Even though Mr Pettitt has had no acting experience before he is very convincing when put under pressure, which comes in handy with the on going investigation in the opening scene.
However, Stephen is very gifted within the music background and is putting his input into the soundtrack and the different sounds effects used within the opening scene.
Neil Mason

I decided to cast Neil Mason as the first suspect that the Detective interrogates, I thought Neil would play an excellent role of a Psychotic, Brainwashed suspect. The role I have given Neil, suits his whole appearance and body language that he portrays on camera. Even though Neil hasn't had much acting experience before, I think he will play an intriguing role within the opening. However, I am slightly concerned that he will go off and do his own thing, because he is known to do that, but with the right attitude and advice given, he should make an impressive suspect.
Denise Pettitt
I decided to cast 46 Year old Denise Pettitt to play the role of the kidnapped hostage, who has been taken away from her beloved family. I gave this role to Denise, as she fitted the profile given, when she is in costume she looks like a young mum. I thought this role was perfect her, as she hasn't had any acting experience and didn't want to have any dialogue within the opening. I had no concerns in giving Denise this part as it was a fairly simple part to play, overall I think she portrayed a fantastic victim, which you will see in the opening of my film.
Adam Mason

Adam is not a cast member within my thriller, but I have decided to cast Adam as the Producer and Directors assistant. The main reason I decided to cast Mr Mason for these particular parts, was because he has had experience within film directing as he did a course for University. Adam will be give me his input and advice when directing the cast members. In addition, Adam will also be giving me some pointers and tutorials of how to use a piece of mac software called 'Adobe After Effects', this is similar to Photoshop and Premier. I am going to use After Effects to edit my final film, with a little input from Mr Mason.
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