No film or genre is for everyone, it ranges from what people like to watch, whether it be a horror, a fantasy or a crime. A thriller film is not everybody's choice in film and it can be down to many different reasons. The typical age ranges break down is ass followed:
* Kids 5-11 and mothers
* Teenagers 11 - 16
* 17-21
* 18 - 24* 25 - 54
* 54 +
Certain age groups watch certain films, these age range are very important. A movie that entertains a 5 year old will not appeal to a 14 year old, this also works for other ages.
Whilst doing some research on the typical target audience for thriller films, i found a diagram that explains the whole age and gender concept on thrillers.
Thriller Movie Age Profile

The target audience for a thriller films is ' someone into intrigue and mystery with a tint of a twist.' 'Someone who likes to try and work things out for themselves but sometimes never quite gets there.' From the diagram stated above thriller films are mainly aimed towards the 14-17 category followed by 18-24.
Another diagram that I found was about which gender watched thriller films the most, from the information given it states that women watch more thriller films than men. I found this quite surprising, as I though thriller and jump films was more of a male aspect.
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