Amie Pettitt Thriller
On Tuesday's lesson Shaneece, Aidan and I started to work on the editing of our preliminary task, we first captured our film and loaded it into a programme called Adobe Premier Cs4. This enable us to edit our film and make it look really professional and presentable.
The first step we took was renaming the clips, so we could understand which clips was which and it would be easier to pick them out and edit them. Shaneece and I looked at each clipped at decided where we had to edit it, we only had to take a few seconds of each end of the clip. This enabled us to make the clip perfect and made sure that it flows fluently. After putting all of the clips together we then decided to add a title screen which introduced our film and who it was made by. The only problem we had was the beginning clip was all blurred and it started to go all fuzzy, so we are going to refilm in Thursdays lesson. The final step we did on Tuesdays lesson was we changed the whole film into Black and white and adjusted the Brightness and Contrast to give a moody and dull feeling to it.
Amie Pettitt Thriller

In today's lesson we started our storyboard in which Shaneece and I decided on what the clip was going to be based on and what we needed to include for our short film. We wanted it to be slightly different to what everyone else was doing, so we decided to a crime film. I thought this was a really good idea to produce, however it didn't come out as good as it could of been. If we had more time then I personally think that we could have made it a lot better to what it is. In our brief we have to include a Shot Reverse Shot, of two characters exchanging lines, an Action Match, where there is a close up of the door handle being opened and a 180 degree rule. We planned our story board out and Aidan Foster decided on the cast which would include Jake Frost and myself to be he main actors involved within our film.
After we had decided the casting and their roles we started to film our film, Aidan Foster was in charge of the filming and making sure that we include all the shots need to gain extra marks. I think the filming was successful and we got all of the camera movements we needed within the film. The next step will be the editing on Tuesdays lesson which Shaneece and I will be working on next week.
Amie Pettitt Thriller
On Tuesday's lesson we got a short brief of the Preliminary task and what we had to include in our film, this exercise was a taster of what we have to do in our AS coursework. After going through the brief we went in our Preliminary groups and began planning our short film. Below is photographic evidence of our mind map.

This shows all of our creative ideas and the development to produce our Preliminary task in the next lesson. I thought this was an easier way to get all of our ideas down onto one page and then pick out the best parts to use in our film.
Amie Pettitt Thriller

In Tuesdays lesson we got introduced to our coursework for AS Media Studies, this involves making a short thriller movie and using technical equipment such as video cameras, editing software and much more. I started my Preliminary Task for AS Media, Miss went through a few tips and hints about using the video camera. I have included a photograph of my notes and I will list the following tips below so it is more clear; * Make sure the tape goes upside down so that the silver strip is facing outwards.
* There is a small label inside the camera saying 'Do not push', when slotting the tape in it will automatically go down itself.
* Make sure that you clean the lens with a tissue and NOT with your finger.
* You need to film in the same aspect. (wide screen 16:9 or Square 4:3).
* Make sure the recording format is set to slow play.
* Check that the audio is set to 16BIT instead of 12, this enhances the quality of the sound.
* Must be aware of the Pre and Post role, this means you have to record five seconds before and after the clip to make sure that your footage is all there.
* You must always use a tripod, this gives a more stable shot and you can use some hand held shots if required.
* Do not point the camera towards the sun as you can damage the lenses.
* You have to set the white balance every time you film.